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Showing posts from April, 2022

Dog potty training

  DOG  POTTY TRAINING Puppy potty training doesn’t have to be horrible. We know it’s going to be weeks, maybe months before they finally get the hang of it. During that time, there’s finding where they had the accident, cleaning up pee and poop, and making sure there’s no smell leftover. Then there’s wondering why they had an accident right after you just took them outside. It might bother you to clean the poop,so no more check it out full course here Let’s skip all that and get it right in one weekend. The mainframe to Puppy Potty Training In 1 Weekend is getting a schedule down and understanding what that puppy has going on in their head. You’re going to have happier times outside and less cleaning up inside by the end of this. Be sure to snag my FREE Puppy Potty Training Chart to keep track of your puppy’s schedule! Puppy Potty Training: 1 Weekend Lesson. Get It Right In One Weekend #puppy #puppypottytraining The smaller the puppy breed, the smaller the bladder. If you have a chihua

How To Stop A Puppy From Biting And Nippin

  How To Stop A Puppy From Biting And Nippin. We hear these questions all the time: How do I get my puppy to stop biting my hands? My puppy is great, but he’s always biting me. How do I get him to stop biting? My puppies teeth are so sharp! What do I do to get him to stop his mouthy behavior? A dog barking is completely natural and it is unreasonable for us as owners to expect our dogs to never bark. We as humans don't always appreciate it but barking is the way our dogs communicate with each other and the world. That, however, does not mean excessive barking is acceptable behavior. But, since dogs bark for various reasons, the first thing to do is to figure out why your dog barks, at what you might consider to be the most inappropriate times. Once you know the reason behind the uncontrollable barking, you can start to treat the problem.   Check it out before get a dog Why Do Dogs Bark? As previously mentioned, there are many reasons why dogs bark. Sometimes it is to warn of danger

How to Train Your Dog to Greet Visitors in 5 Easy Steps

How to Train Your Dog to Greet Visitors  Every time I’m expecting visitors, the scene is the same: I try to time it just right and get my dogs outside before my guests arrive. There has to be a better way, right? Well, I found it, and today I’m going to share it with you! Check it out and give them a try with your pup! 1- DESENSITIZE TO KNOCKING OR THE DOORBELL.   T ry these steps for desensitizing your dog to the doorbell: Put your dog on the leash, and ask a friend or family member to go outside and ring the doorbell or knock. Hold the leash tightly and say “no bark” as your dog starts barking after hearing the bell. Once your dog calms down, have him sit, and give him a treat and praise. Keep up this routine until he’s mastered not pulling on the leash and barking (don’t expect success in one training session – this will take some time!). Next, teach the same behavior with the same process when he’s off the leash. 2- TEACH HIM HOW AND WHERE TO SIT. Now that your dog isn’t going nuts

Essential Commands to teach your Dog.

  Essential Commands to teach your Dog.  When you get a new dog, whether it's a puppy or an adult rescue, she probably needs some obedience training. More specifically, a well-behaved pup should respond to seven directions in order to become a good canine citizens.                        1."Sit.”  Command The “sit” command is one of the straightforward commands to teach your dog a trick, and it is a great starting point. This command of obedience comes in handy when you want your puppy to sit quietly before eating, walking, or other exciting occasions. Once they recognize how to sit, you can move on to other commands that require them to sit first. Here’s how to get your furry friend to sit up: Hold a treat in front of your dog’s nose. Please raise your hand so that they follow the treat until they sit up. Once they sit down, say “sit,” and give them a treat and praise them. Repeat these steps only some times each day until your puppy has mastered this ability.            2.“C

How To Prepare Your Dog For A first training session

  How To Prepare Your Dog For A Training Session First and foremost, be sure to exercise   your dog before a training session.  The younger the pup, the more physical activity they will need to focus.  However, you don’t want to wear them out completely, so opt for a brisk walk over a vigorous run. Keep training sessions short to avoid boredom and frustration. Five to ten minutes is best for dogs that are new to training. Be patient with your dog. Learning new things takes time and lots of practice. Schedule training two to three hours before mealtimes to prevent hunger-related distractions. Use tiny pieces of high-reward treats. Your dog doesn’t care about treat size as long as they taste good, and there are lots of them. Click here to get full training course Preparing for Obedience Classes It is a common practice to have only the owners in the first session to help you understand what to expect during the entire program. Before the first class, take your dog to the veterinarian to m

Benefits of Crate-Training Your Dog

 Benefits of Crate-Training Your Dog - why should YOUR DOG need crate training?? ? Let me tell you why so much important!! Crates keep curious puppies safely sequestered when you're not able to supervise them. Dogs instinctively try to keep their sleeping areas clean. As such, the crate helps puppies learn to hold and strengthen their bladder and bowel muscles, making housebreaking less of a chore for you and your dog. A safe haven for your dog to calm down No toy craziness, running or jumping on bed at night Less pee/poo accidents with your puppy Gets your dog used to small spaces for transporting Structured start of the day (routine!) Crate training has long been accepted by professional trainers and veterinarians as one of the quickest and least stressful ways to mold desirable behaviors in dogs. Although many new dog guardians initially reject the idea of using a crate because they consider it cruel or unfair to the dog, a crate helps satisfy the dog’s instinct to be in a den w

How To Potty Train Your Puppy in easy steps

How To Potty Train Your Puppy in Easy Steps Most puppies start out needing to use the bathroom: First thing in the morning After every nap After every feeding During and after playtime Get full training course click here Find A Place They Can Focus Puppy minds wander, just like little kids. Like trying to play a sport, but are really out there watching a butterfly or digging in the dirt. Puppies have a short attention span just like kids, so instead of thinking about using the bathroom their watching that butterfly that just went by or Woah! That leaf just moved! …because everything is so new to them. There are so many exciting things going on outside that they don’t get to see all the time so they get distracted easily. They need a place to focus when using the bathroom. As you’re taking them out every 5 minutes, if they don’t go, put them back in their crate for a few minutes and try again in a little bit. Continue this until they use the bathroom then they can play! Continue this sa


HOW TO TEACH YOUR DOG TO FETCH While your dog may have a natural inclination to retrieve items, they don’t naturally know all the rules of fetch that you want them to follow. You’ll have to teach them some ground rules to keep them safe and focused during your games of fetch.   HERE ARE SOME STEP With your dog on a long lead leash, practice throwing an object and having your dog return it to you. The leash helps make sure your dog doesn’t run off with the toy or get distracted and pursue something else. Practicing with a long lead is beneficial for your pup in a number of ways -- you can read more about long leash training here.   Start with a toy that’s easy for your dog to carry in their mouth, like a tug toy or tennis ball. That way, your dog can just focus on fetching rather than worrying about keeping the toy in their mouth. Here are some toys we love, some of which are great for fetch!  Once your dog has grasped the fetch concept on the leash, it’s time to practice without it! St


 POWERFUL TIPS TO IMPROVE YOUR PUP'S BEHAVIOR. Dog training is not that simple, initially there is  Some steps and advice that you need to follow to make change in behaviour of your dog. Remember that not every technique will work for your dog, and that sometimes your dog may just be having an off day when we ask for a behaviour Click here and check in out full training 1. SET A GOAL Most things worth accomplishing in life take a lot of hard work. In my life, I've seen the most success with my dog's behavior when I've set goals. I don't typically like focusing goals on 'behavior growth' necessarily, but more on how often you'll train, how long you'll train, and what behaviors you will work on. If you set SMART goals (look that up if you aren't familiar with it 😃), you'll find that you'll become more consistent with training. And in my experience, staying consistent (more on that later) is one of the most vital ways to help your dog's